Sunday, June 8, 2008

Create Your Own Masterpiece...

I recently attended a seminar called "Creating Your masterpiece" presented by Jennifer Lee and Leah Turner. It was interesting as it compares you to an artist masterpiece. Remember, a masterpiece is the "most outstanding creation by an artisan." Each of us is a masterpiece but we must create it.

The seminar focused on identifying the things you enjoy and making sure to do them. The four main sections were Relationships, Health/Emotion, Money/Financial and Physical Environment. Our environment is an important aspect to our overall health. Do you live and work in places that inspire you?

For part of the seminar we created a paper name plate which was decorated with all of our favorite things. It works! Everytime I look at it I smile. It's like a quick reminder of the things and people you enjoy in life, most of all, yourself.

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