Saturday, October 31, 2015

God’s Protection

Psalm 91   God’s Protection

5 Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night. Nor the arrow that flies in the day.

6 Do not dread the disease that stalks in the darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday.

11 For He will order his angels to protect you wherever you go.

12 They will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.

14 The Lord says,

               “I will rescue those who love me.”
               “I will protect those who trust in my name.”

15 When they call on me, I will answer;

                 I will be with them in trouble.”
                 “I will rescue and honor them.”

My latest adventure has included taking on the responsibility of loving and caring for someone who hasn’t known much love and care from some of the people she should be able to trust in this world.  Yes, I have endeavored to try my hand at being a foster parent and not just any child.  No, I decided, having not ever parented myself, I would start with a teenager. A sixteen year old to be exact and all I can say is thank God she is amazing.  She is the most precious, most helpful, sweetest, kindest, nicest person I have met.  As far as I understand, God couldn’t have gifted me with a more amazing person.

However, despite her “awesomeness,” she is not without her own deep hurts of neglect, fear, loneliness and distrustfulness.  I try to be there for her and encourage her as much as I humanly can but I know it is not enough.  Only Jesus will be enough and hopefully she will open her heart up to him. 

While reading through my devotionals one morning I came across Psalm 91 and thought of her.  These verses describe God’s protection so vividly.  We do not need to fear the terrors of the night, the arrows of the day, diseases that stalk in darkness nor disaster that may strike in midday.  In fact, we are so covered by God’s protection that he will send his angels to wherever we may find ourselves. 

Do you know where wherever is?  I’ve been to some strange places and have been known to travel by myself, humanly speaking, but I know God has been with me for every step of that journey.  Protecting me from dangers I never saw and those I did notice and had to maneuver out of.  Wherever means there is no where on earth we can run from Him that He will not find us. No where… He will send his angels wherever we are that we may not so much as hurt our foot on a stone.

The Lord then says, “ I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them.”  Isn’t that comforting?  To know, wherever I go He will get me out of trouble.  Wherever I go He will keep me safe.  Wherever I go He will go with me.  Even when I’m the one making the mess.  Even when I am the one causing problems. Even then, He will be with me and all I need do is call on his name. And yet, to call on His name can seem the most difficult thing in the world to do until He calls you.

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