"Living an inspired life supports your happiness and the happiness of all those who are touched by you."
- Marci Shimoff
Well, I have a story to tell. I do not consider myself a highly outgoing or overtly helpful person. It's not that I am mean but I am very shy and don't always feel comfortable putting myself out like that. The other day while I was driving home from my mom's house, I saw a dog walking down the middle of the road in the oncoming traffic lane. My first thought was "Aww poor doggy, I hope he doesn't get hurt." I kept driving but I felt like I needed to turn around and help the dog. I started thinking its owner might miss it and I should help the dog. Oh! I forgot to mention, meanwhile it is raining outside as well. :) I decided to follow my urge and turn around to go help the dog. While turning around, two cars passed me heading towards the dog and I was hopeful that they wouldn't hit it. After I turned around I noticed the dog was now on the sidewalk on the otherside of the road so I pull off.
Phase 1: Can I help the dog....
I am hesistant to approach it, for all I know I'm helping a vicious dog but I forge on. I kneal down (in the rain) and wait for the dog to come to me. It happily (I think) trots to me and I put my hand out for it to smell. The dog seems friendly so I pet it and help it into my back seat. I head back home thinking "well now what." I have succesffuly collected myself a stray dog, now what?
While I was petting it I had noticed it didn't have a collar. Well, I guess I won't be calling its owner. I took the doggy home and got it into my garage.
Phase 2, "What do I do now?"
It was an interesting process to get a leashless dog into my house. I let the dog outside and it immediately went in the opposite direction of the front door. Apparently, he decided to go exploring so I ended up chasing and calling him. He followed very well, which I was thankful for and we made it around the back of the house to the front door. From there he maded it into the garage and I got him some water.
Well, I do know they have started putting chips in the dogs that can be scanned to find the owners identification information so I thought well let's see if the owner had the chip installed. I look up vets in my iphone and it gives me Petco. I call them and they say they can't help. Well, thanks a lot phone. :) While looking through the veternarians listed I recognize the vet I used to take my dog to. I thought "I know them let's call and ask them." I call and explain my perculiar situation to the receptionist and she says I can bring the dog in and they can scan him.
Phase 3: How to get the dog in the car, hmm......
Now that I know where to take the doggy I have to figure out how to get it back in my car. Well, I used to have a dog so I run through my house looking for a leash. No luck. I don't have a clue what I did with the old leashes but they are no longer in my house. Hmmm. I decide to be resourceful and look for rope. Well, I know I don't keep rope but I do have a weakness for bags. Up in the spare bedroom I find one of those bags that have the strings you pull to tighten them (I don't know if they have a name) so I untie one of knots and pull the string out. Great found rope. Then I tie a know around the length of string to create a loop that I can slip around the doggy's head. I was quite surprised at my own resourcefulness, an unknown of ability. I go back downstairs and put my make shift leash around the dog's neck. I try to keep it semi-loose to not inadvertently choke the dog but it would tighten whenever the dog pulled. I successfuly manage to get the doggy back into my car. It was such a good dog. It would sit in the back seat politely and smile. I was loving it. I noticed the time and realized I have work in a few hours. As I hate being late I call my boss and leave here a message about me picking up a stray dog. I know she's going to think I'm crazy now. So at peace with work, wet dog in back seat and me, beginning to smell like wet dog, we head off to the vet.
Phase 4 No Way, I can't believe my luck
We arrive at the vet, it's still raining, and I get the dog back out of the car trying not to let it pull on the makeshift leash and choke. I go inside and thankfully no other clients are there. I tell the receptionist I called and have a stray dog. She says ok and walks away and out a back door. My next thought is "okay, well???" As she walks through the door I mention I don't have a leash and take my makeshift leash off the doggy. She comes back through the mysterious door and through a window in the entrance door to the rooms I notice a guy with a machine in his hand walking towards us and the lady. He comes out, puts a normal collar and leash on the dog and tries to scan the doggy. While I am awaiting the verdict the lady says "we know this dog." I'm like "What?!?" She's like yeah, he's a client of ours, what's his name? At this point I am stunned, to say the least, and the guy reports there is no chip. They agree to keep the dog there. Thank God, as I had no dog food or anything at home. I leave my contact information incase they need to get ahold of me or cannot find its owner. I tell them where I found the dog and ask to be kept up to date. Later that week they call to say the dogs owners have picked him up and the doggy is home. Apparently, the doggy's name was "Abbers." I get a call the next week from a lady thanking me for finding her dog. I told her I was happy to help and glad to be of service. So all in all a happy ending story and I now have a rep at work for picking up strays. :) Oh well, life is a beautiful thing. :)
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