When there is light in the soul, there is beauty in the person. When there is beauty in the person, there is harmony in the house. When there is harmony in the house, there is order in the nation. When there is order in the nation, there is peace in the world.
Gemini Man Qualities
[image: Gemini man qualities]
Gemini man qualities
They are very cheerful and enthusiastic people. Gemini's are very versatile
and thus have multiple inte...
Karwar Beach Rock Garden - some images -1
A rock garden, created on Ravindranath Tagore beach in Karwar city at a
cost of Rs.2.60 crore, was inaugurated recently.
It showcases the rural life of Ka...
Three Little Words: Chicken Pot Pie
An easy answer to the favorite "What's for dinner?" question
It seems that the men in my life like to utter the same three, little
words: "What's for din...
long, Long, LONG over due Motorcycle Vest Review
Time for a review, where to start, where to start? I know by thanking the
good people at *MOTORCYCLE HOUSE*
for their gifts I received many, many months ag...
Beautiful creations by Ann McLachlan
Look at how beautifully ornate these creations are from Ann McLachlan at Creative
Options Blog
I honestly think they are a feast for the eyes and I ...
Just Beachy
I went down to the other weekend when the weather finally brightened up.
This time I went into the water--for about two minutes. The damn thing is
I've moved!
My blog has moved to a new location www.623tries.com
Please continue to follow my triathlon journey there.
Thank you so much for following me!
The Truth of Senkaku Islands
I'm angry. And a lot of Japanese is also angry like me.In my latest post, I
wrote the incident that a Chinese fishing boat bumped against Japan Coast
Massage Me Like a Pina Colada
There is a lot to do while I'm here in Tarawa, but – lazy cow that I
am (?!) I grabbed the opportunity for a day off yesterday. By a "day
off", I mean an o...
Doubling with no carries
Doubling is a very efficient math technique that is often under utilized.
If you can double you can add, subtract, multiply and divide certain
numbers easi...
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