Gemini Man Qualities
[image: Gemini man qualities]
Gemini man qualities
They are very cheerful and enthusiastic people. Gemini's are very versatile
and thus have multiple inte...
Karwar Beach Rock Garden - some images -1
A rock garden, created on Ravindranath Tagore beach in Karwar city at a
cost of Rs.2.60 crore, was inaugurated recently.
It showcases the rural life of Ka...
Three Little Words: Chicken Pot Pie
An easy answer to the favorite "What's for dinner?" question
It seems that the men in my life like to utter the same three, little
words: "What's for din...
long, Long, LONG over due Motorcycle Vest Review
Time for a review, where to start, where to start? I know by thanking the
good people at *MOTORCYCLE HOUSE*
for their gifts I received many, many months ag...
Beautiful creations by Ann McLachlan
Look at how beautifully ornate these creations are from Ann McLachlan at Creative
Options Blog
I honestly think they are a feast for the eyes and I ...
Just Beachy
I went down to the other weekend when the weather finally brightened up.
This time I went into the water--for about two minutes. The damn thing is
I've moved!
My blog has moved to a new location
Please continue to follow my triathlon journey there.
Thank you so much for following me!
The Truth of Senkaku Islands
I'm angry. And a lot of Japanese is also angry like me.In my latest post, I
wrote the incident that a Chinese fishing boat bumped against Japan Coast
Massage Me Like a Pina Colada
There is a lot to do while I'm here in Tarawa, but – lazy cow that I
am (?!) I grabbed the opportunity for a day off yesterday. By a "day
off", I mean an o...
Doubling with no carries
Doubling is a very efficient math technique that is often under utilized.
If you can double you can add, subtract, multiply and divide certain
numbers easi...